The content of this website is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the nutritional plans or exercise programs should be undertaken or otherwise used without first consulting your physician or health care provider. The information contained herein is not intended to constitute, and should not be relied upon, specific physical or mental health advice or any other advice for any individual or company. I am not a medical professional and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean anything else.

Participation in the activities mentioned on my website may involve risks for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental illnesses. Because of these risks, do not participate in the meal plans I offer if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to take these risks, you do so of your own free will and with knowledge of all the risks involved in such dietary activities. These risks can also exist for those who are currently in good health.

As with any exercise program, you take certain risks to your health and safety. Any form of exercise program can lead to injury. My programs are no exception. It is possible to injure yourself doing the exercises in your program. This is especially true if you finish the exercises in poor form. Nevertheless, there are of course detailed instructions for each exercise.

Be aware that my programs (like any other training program) carry a risk of injury. If you choose to take these risks, you do so of your own free will and with full knowledge of, and willingly accepting, all the risks associated with such training activities. These risks can also exist for those who are currently in good health.

I am not a medical doctor. My advice, whether on my website, in my nutrition plans, exercise programs, or via email coaching, is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY diet plan or exercise program, no exceptions. You use my plans, programs, workouts and coaching at your own risk and I am not responsible for any injury or health problem you may suffer as a result of using my programs, or even death.

I accept no responsibility for any injury, health problem, or even death caused by the use of my products or services.


Although my products and services are designed to be fully implemented, sometimes that is not the case. This can result in the user not making any progress/results. If you implement my products and services correctly, you should achieve amazing results. However, I have to point out that even if consumers fully implement the products and services from me, it's possible that they won't get the results they might have expected, and it's also possible that they won't lose fat either nor build muscle or get any positive results.


All transformations and testimonials are real. However, it must be noted that these testimonials do not represent typical results with my diet plans and workout plans. They're just meant to show what the most motivated and committed people can achieve when they follow my personalized nutrition plans and workout plans. Your results may vary and you may not get the same results as someone else when using my services as there are differences in your individual training history, genetics and personal motivation/commitment. The end results you achieve depend on each individual and how much effort you put into it.


If you purchase my program, you will be billed automatically each period and you will continue to receive new, updated meal plans and training plans as long as you choose to remain a customer. To unsubscribe, simply send an email to info@thenewyoujourney.com

I offer a 14 day 100% money back guarantee for all my online services. If for any reason within the first 14 days of your initial purchase you are not happy or satisfied with any of your purchases from me (subscription and non-subscription services), you can request a full refund simply by contacting the Contact customer support team. You will get your money back and your subscription will be cancelled. However, if you purchased and redeemed a program during a promotional period (e.g. supplements, clothing, headphones), you are not eligible for a refund.

If you have any questions, please email me. You can reach me at info@thenewyoujourney.com and I'll be happy to answer any of your questions.

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